
Славјански двор — ваш нови дом у Шумадијском Кутаку.

Јединствене куће

Славјански двор — то је 17 савремених кућа у стилу барнхаус и a-frame, које су савршено уклопљене у природни пејзаж и екосистем и представљају део насеља Шумадијски кутак.

Еко простор

Наше мини-насеље представља спој савремене архитектуре и екологије, стварајући хармонију с природним пејзажом и обезбеђујући висок ниво живота за његове становнике.

Галерија пројекта

Истражите инспирацију и стил нашег јединственог мини села.

A modern house featuring a pool in the foreground. The house has a sleek design with wooden and glass elements, including a large balcony and floor-to-ceiling windows. The pool area is surrounded by landscaping with plants and a tiered garden on one side. The scene captures both the structure and natural environment.
A modern house featuring a pool in the foreground. The house has a sleek design with wooden and glass elements, including a large balcony and floor-to-ceiling windows. The pool area is surrounded by landscaping with plants and a tiered garden on one side. The scene captures both the structure and natural environment.
A large, modern house with a white exterior and steep brown roofs. Large windows with wooden frames reflect the surrounding landscape. The building sits on a gravel driveway, bordered by stone pathways and small planters with greenery. In the background, a dense line of tall trees extends under a clear blue sky.
A large, modern house with a white exterior and steep brown roofs. Large windows with wooden frames reflect the surrounding landscape. The building sits on a gravel driveway, bordered by stone pathways and small planters with greenery. In the background, a dense line of tall trees extends under a clear blue sky.
A row of small, modern single-story houses featuring bold, contrasting colors of yellow and brown around the windows and doors. The houses have uniform design with sloped roofs and are aligned neatly along a paved street. There are small patches of greenery in front of each house.
A row of small, modern single-story houses featuring bold, contrasting colors of yellow and brown around the windows and doors. The houses have uniform design with sloped roofs and are aligned neatly along a paved street. There are small patches of greenery in front of each house.
A modern, three-story house with large windows and balconies is surrounded by a lush, green garden. The building features contemporary architecture with clean lines and a flat roof. The garden is well-maintained with various trees, flowers, and a small patio area with outdoor furniture.
A modern, three-story house with large windows and balconies is surrounded by a lush, green garden. The building features contemporary architecture with clean lines and a flat roof. The garden is well-maintained with various trees, flowers, and a small patio area with outdoor furniture.

Славјански двор — идеално место за живот, природа и комфор у хармонији. Препоручујем свима!

Анна П.

A modern house with a sharp, angular roof and large glass windows is surrounded by lush greenery, including trees and a well-maintained garden. Two people stand near the entrance, enjoying the serene setting.
A modern house with a sharp, angular roof and large glass windows is surrounded by lush greenery, including trees and a well-maintained garden. Two people stand near the entrance, enjoying the serene setting.
